
Tuesday, July 19, 2011

let's get this wagon rollin'

With the recent appointments and family in just prior to that I didn't get time to share our recent trip to Georgia.

So here's a bit of a catcher upper.  For the fourth we went over to my sister's and my mother and her boyfriend came down.

The ride over was fairly uneventful.  The Mr. drove, I relaxed, the kid watched Despicable Me...
a couple times.

All in all it was a pretty chill few days.  There was a bit of 4-wheeling.

A bit of wagon pulling...

...actually a bit more than a bit of wagon pulling.  Even their "Aunts" Bobbi and Brenda were forced offered to pull the kiddos a bit.

There was a bit of popsicle eating.

And apparently they were good popsicles.

And apparently Morgan's mother is much more brave than I am, or she has better stain remover.

Cohen + white shirt + popsicle = a deadly combination.
We have hand me down red shirts dedicated for popsicle time in this house.

There was also a bit of foolishness.

The Mr. is such a wuss...pick your foot up honey.
Not to toot my own horn here but can I just say that I am the best roller racerer ever, or at least in our fam. 
toot toot
Everyone had excuses as to why I was winning, I cheated and jumped the gun, I had the fastest roller racer, but they were all what I like to call
sore losers!

ps  this is the consequences of racing and subsequently stopping a roller racer on a hill.

a small price to pay to be
roller racer champ!

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