
Monday, February 21, 2011

i'm raising a reader...

{ok so first let me say, how pitiful is it that I just saw a flower van slow down in front of my house and for a moment I got super excited?  Now I'm not trying to hate on those who enjoy a nice bouquet from the hubs every now and again, this just isn't me.  I'm not a flower person, I don't want/need the Mr. to get me flowers.  However I do love the idea of a fresh bouquet sitting on my kitchen table, which I suppose is why I got a little happy.  Hmm maybe I'll send myself a bouquet of tulips, better wait until I get that table cleaned off though.}

Anyway back to my reader...I'm raising a reader and I couldn't be more proud.  Yeah sure by the time he's 3 he prob won't even know what a book is let alone sit down for 5 minutes to flip through one but oh how sweet the sight is of Cobra sitting in the middle of a pile of books, even if it does only last a few more months.
We read each night, honestly it's more because I have convinced myself this calms and quites the little guy down before bed (it hasn't been working lately though shhh...don't tell the Mr. I think he's waiting on me to admit this).  Yeah so annnyway, this Momma, she don't let her baby play with the books.  I don't know what it is, for the longest time I have had this thing for books, and can you keep a secret????  I don't even read half, heck a quarter of the books I buy.  I just love how a bookcase full of books looks...or maybe how it makes me look, like I'm some super smart nerd who reads all the time.  Well how good does a bookshelf look with dented, chewed up, torn books....not great I tell ya, which is why I deprive my child of playing with his books.  We were given some hand-me-down books and since those are already a bit worn he is allowed freedom play with those but not my gold encrusted, brand spanking new, shiny board books...oh no not these.
And for the record, I didn't have to clean up to take this picture...ok maybe just a tiny bit but really I am anal about the books and a majority of the time this is how they look.  I'm not kidding.  The other night we were putting up the books we had read to Cohen at bedtime and as I was putting each one up just so, Jody asked if they went back in a certain order.  Embarrassed I said no not really and just laid them down on the shelf.  Now if I could only get OCD about the rest of the house sigh....

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