
Thursday, April 14, 2011

to switch or not to switch

I'm struggling with trying to find out what's right in terms of sleep for the little man.  He's getting older and there are days where it's tough to get him to go down for two naps.  The last thing I want is for him to get too much sleep during the day and it start to affect his bedtime routine.  So every now and again I think "today I will switch him to just one nap a day", today was one of those days.  

OMG.  In case you didn't hear that OMG!!!  By the time I gave in and put him down, an hour earlier than I was planning, I had decided a wild animal had taken over my child's body.  

Given he did fall out of a chair.  However this is an everyday thing for him.  I often wonder just how many falls it takes before we will see a difference later on when it comes to grades and school.

I only wish I were kidding.
So while he slept I made a huge mess.  I decided I'd try to get another one of my projects finished up, the rest of Cohen's blankets, or at least get a start on it, pictures to come I'm not quite finished yet.  I forget how much of a pain it is to cut the fuzzy material.  Fuzz was everywhere.  In my hair.  In my eyes.  Under the couch.  Up my nose.  Everywhere.
But just one look at Cohen sleeping so peacefully with his blankie, one I made at that, clutched between those chubby little fingers made all the fuzziness and the vacuuming worth it.
See how fuzzy that is, well it's a bit ratty looking now but when washed it's super fluffy and the potential for a huge fuzzy mess when cutting is extremely high.

Do you ever wonder just how people get those shots?  I was browsing through a blog and noticed this picture she had.  I was floored and instantly wondered how she did it.  And I don't mean how she got a great looking picture, it was great and all, but it was the angle that floored me.  It was a picture of a round table full of cookies.  The amazing part was that it was taken looking directly downward and 99% of the table was in the shot.  All I pictured was this chick hanging from the ceiling Mission Impossible style.  I don't know how she did it but I can say that I did a bit of fancy footwork to get these pictures today.  At one point I had one foot inside the crib and the other on the edge.  Several times I was standing on my head.  So heck maybe she was hanging from the ceiling like Tom Cruise.  

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